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oil and gas reports - downhold pressure and temperature readings

At Kennason Tech Services Inc. (KTSI), we create reports based on pressure & temperature data collected in oil & gas wells across North America (both Metric and Imperial units).


Most often, we report on standard Flow and/or Build-up data, with Static Gradient stops being made on the way out of the well. Typically, these types of reports can be turned around in a 24hr period. If the client needs it sooner, with a 2hr “heads-up” we can have the Reports completed with an electronic copy emailed back within a few hours of receiving the Recorder Data, Runsheet, Well Schematic and Deviation Survey (if applicable).


Our Reporting Software gives us the ability to create custom reports for our clients that meet the needs of their clients. Technology is constantly changing, and so are the methods of drilling, completing, stimulating and testing wells.


For example, we have created custom reports where Tandem Electronic Recorders have been installed both inside and out of the Frac Chamber. Separate Reports are created based on each set of Recorders, and then a 3rd report is created by taking the Primary Recorder from each set and overlaying them to create a comparison plot to verify isolation in and around each interval to be fractured.


From Static Gradients to Flow & Build-Ups.

From Swab Evaluations to DFIT's (Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test).

From Offset Frac Monitoring, Well Stimulation and beyond,

If Pressure Recorders were used, we can build the report.

Kennason Tech Services Inc. was founded in 2016 by Cory Strang, who has more than 25 years of industry experience. His experience includes 16 years of operating a Slickline Truck which involved running/pulling Electronic Memory Recorders. He moved into the Reporting Department while at Canadian Sub Surface, where his experience was used to create more accurate reports with more detail. Due to cutbacks, the Reporting Division with his previous employer was eliminated, giving him the opportunity to venture on his own with Kennason Tech Services Inc.

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